View of Chinatown
Last stop on the summer road trip was New York. It is great to be able to combine a family visit with some culture and fun! Thanks to the 'rents for putting us up, and treating us to dinners out and theater seats! Highlights of the trip included cake tasting with DD as well as a whirlwind trip to Chinatown and the Metropolitan Museum.
There was a rumor afloat that showing one's Docent Badge could get one into museums for free. We tested this out and found it to be TRUE! Plus, the docent's guests can also enter for free, although each museum has different guidelines as to how many guests: MoMA allows one free guest, the Met allows up to 4 free, the Cooper-Hewitt let in 2 guests. This is great news and should be shared with all docents! Quite a cost savings, as MoMA is now up to $20 entrance fee, and most other museums heading into double digits as well.
The best way to see the Metropolitan Museum is in short, targeted strikes. We went on Friday evening, when it stays open until 9pm and there are drinks on the roof. We saw the new Greek and Roman Galleries and the temporary exhibit on the Clark Brothers' Collections. We also ate in the small cafe (which has been moved since the opening of the new galleries). The food and service were quite good, although not cheap. But it is in a nice area near European Decorative Arts with a bank of windows that looks onto green space. The restaurant stays open until 10 pm so you don't feel rushed.
There are weird flowers outside of the Cooper Hewitt Museum and Richard Sera sculptures at the Museum of Modern Art and that pretty much concluded the culture for this trip.
We also were in NY for Harry Potter weekend, and I was able to read
about half of the book before I left for home. Thanks to DM and DD for that!
I have to report the demise of my beloved Casio Exilim camera, as DH took it on his fishing trip and accidentally let it go swimming......Vacation pics will be up on the Flickr site soon. Any suggestions for a new, waterproof camera?
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