Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Gall Bladder Report

<>It’s laparoscopic, they said. Only 3 small incisions, they said. After 2 or 3 days you’re feeling fine, they said. You can go back to work in a week, they said. In whose universe are they living?????

Not mine.

Ok, I tried to find out the name of the electro-cautery machine used on me. No one seemed to know or care to know. Even though there can be problems with stray electrical pulses that can burn internal organs.

I tried to rid my body of fats and cholesterol before the surgery. I did have gall stones and had to have the endoscopic procedure to crush them first. That could explain the bruises….

I have 4 small incisions, I think. It’s hard to tell with the steri-strips that take the place of stitches…. Some are quite yucky-looking. The steri-strips come off in about 10 days and then you are healed.

This is the 5th day after surgery and the first day that I feel like myself. I’m still sore in the upper abdomen when I walk around and bending and lifting is somewhat problematical. I’m not supposed to lift more than 20 lbs. for several weeks. But there are no restrictions on diet or driving, as long as I’m not on pain medication.

The medication that has helped the most is a muscle relaxant, as I have been plagued with severe muscle spasms in the middle of the night and in the day. Also, Motrin is helpful.

For info on the WebMd site about gall bladders, you can follow this link:

Have to profusely thank DH for being the best nurse one could ask for. xoxoxoxo.

Thanks for all the gifts, calls, cards, e-cards, too! I really appreciate it!

Pia-you shouldn’t have! But Thanks!!!!!

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