Friday, April 28, 2006

The Gall Bladder Report #2

It's been almost 3 weeks since the operation and it's true: time heals all wounds. The steri-strips are off and the little slits are fading away. Only have one area of some discomfort (the place where the laparoscopic camera goes in has internal stitches), but that's getting better.

I got the all-clear from the surgeon this week: back to normal but watch the heavy lifting for a while. Fine by me. (Those books have been in the garage for 5 years; a few more weeks won't make too much difference.....)

I asked about nutritional concerns since the gall bladder aids in digestion, especially of fatty foods. Doc said I might experience 'faster than normal' elimination after eating something with too much fat, but that doesn't hold true for everyone. I usually watch the fat intake anyway......

It seems that many people are having those pesky gall bladders removed--ask several people you know and chances are they've had a family member or friend who has gone through the GB removal process....testimony to our less-than-stellar diets...

Eat well, but thoughtfully.

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