Wednesday, October 13, 2010

They may speak English, but

Australia is different from the USA.

Here are a few of my observations; definitely not a definitive list.

It’s “G’day”, not “hello”
It’s “How’re you going?” not “How are you doing?”
It’s kookaburras maniacally cackling at 5 am outside the window.

It’s a lot of beautiful and unusual animals not seen anywhere else.

It’s driving on the left, so look right before crossing the streets.

Pedestrians don’t have the right of way. See above.
It’s muesli, not granola.
It’s meals served on planes as well as snacks for morning and afternoon tea times.

It’s a lot of weird meats.

It’s one and two dollar coins instead of bills.
It’s shopping malls that are pedestrian streets with shops.
It’s shopping centres that are enclosed shopping malls.
Roundabouts, lots of roundabouts.
More on the driving: highway exits are on the left, slow lane is to the left.
Coffee is long black, short black, or flat white.

More on the driving: the turn signal indicator is on the wrong side, so you keep turning on the windshield wipers to indicate a turn.

Woolworth’s is a large grocery store chain.

There’s a large indoor fresh food market in every city.


It’s very friendly and helpful people everywhere you go.

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