Saturday, September 20, 2008

Electronics Woes 3

Well, another of my electronic accessories has gone missing. Actually, I've lost 2 bluetooth ear pieces-I'm sure they're in the car somewhere or lost in the black hole that is the house, but the latest device I've lost is my Creative Zen Microphoto. I believe I left it at the Mayan Princess in a cute little leather bag with my name on it.

By the time I'd looked everywhere for it, and called my friend and asked her to check her car, I knew it had been left in the condo. I finally got around to calling the condo-and anyway, shouldn't they have called me when they found the blue bag????

I talked to a girl at the front desk and described the bag to her. It was in their Lost and Found. I didn't ask her to look inside and see if my Creative Zen MicroPhoto and ear phones (with the neat earphone cord holder that trailerfulloftunes had given me), but I assumed if they had the bag, they had the Creative Zen Microphoto as well.

The girl at the front desk told me how to get in touch with Lonestar Overnight Delivery service and arrange for a pick-up. I had the package the next day! But no Creative Zen Microphoto inside nor headphones or cord holder. There was a small battery-operated fan in the bag, which I had also left in the condo. hmmm.

I'm glad to have my personalized leather bag back, but I'm going to miss my Creative Zen Microphoto. I had downloaded the first "Master and Commander" book and DH and I had been listening to it on our car trips. I also had a few nice playlists and about 400 songs. Not a lot in this iPod world, but I was content with my content.

This has not been a good year for me and my electronics.

1 comment:

Sanchez Travels said...

OMG that's terrible about your Creative Zen Microphoto. Is this the third bad electronics occurence because you know bad things happen in threes. Geesh...