Saturday, June 28, 2008

Cell Phone Woes Again

Ok- how did I lose my cell phone? I really don't know. I used it Sunday evening while we were at an event. It was nowhere to be found on Monday. I went back to the place and looked in the parking lot, in the hallways and in the room where we had been. No one at the event center had turned in a cell phone. I could have dropped it on the floor when I thought I was putting it back in my purse; I could have dropped it on the way to the car; it wasn't in DH's car, either. We both looked there. I called it several times as I walked around the house and never heard ringing. It has vanished into the ether. Or maybe cyberspace. Or someone has a pretty cool phone with photos of the cats and kids on it.

On Monday I suspended the service, but no minutes had been used since Sunday night. On Tuesday I called the insurance co. (remember I had purchased insurance last fall when the previous phone went kayaking). I had a new phone on Wednesday. Pretty fast service.

It's a "replacement" phone as they don't make my phone any longer. (No more Star Trek communicator button-operated flip opening) :( It is longer and slimmer than the previous phone, and has brighter graphics. It seems more plastic-y to me. And I can hear my breathing while I talk on it...
Luckily I had a previous SIM card, so I was able to recapture a lot of my numbers. But not all. I'm still gathering those. If I haven't called you in a while, it may be that I don't have your number, so please call me!

So, I don't know why I'm having trouble with phones this year. I had my first cell phone for a really long time. Really.

And the last thing-since I had a second insurance claim within 12 months, they canceled my cell phone insurance for the next 12 months. I guess they figure they'll be making more money off of me than the 4.95 a month premium when I lose this phone and need a new one....

Just another week in the life!

A word to the wise: keep track of that pesky cell phone!

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